What are the advantages for start-up companies if they have these apps?

October 27, 2016

Obviously start-ups face most hectic works that is certainly a big deal to overcome within a short period of time. To maintain these things all you need to do is having determination, patience and also pure love towards your work.

Research says that half of a whole i.e., 50% of start-ups has failed in last five years and merely 10% are going beyond that. However, in order to avoid failure, they need to benefit from technology. Mobile apps are one of the greatest innovations of current technological era that has helped millions of businesses to increase sales and productivity. Today’s most of the startup-oriented apps are developed by Mobile apps development companies India. Now here is a list of top 10 startup-oriented apps.



Slack is an amazing app that lets you chat and communicate with others without any usage of email ids, this also has a provision of chatting with team members so that any important discussion could be done conveniently.



This is also one of the useful apps which keeps track of the logs and receipts. Here you can send a picture of receipt and it can be given with name, date and amount of receipt. Replacing your outdated management software with ExpenseBot makes your job easier.



Trello is a great app for project management. Like sending the documents and other files through emails, this app comes to a great picture by helping a user to be more flexible. Hence it is useful for having interaction between the employees.



Nuzzel is an app which is related to news. It helps in finding news from social sites like Twitter and Facebook. It pops up notification about the industrial news. It helps users to search the news on a specific topic by getting alerts.




This is a brilliant app that allows users to manage multi tasks such as marketing, coding, social, SEO and others easily. Instead of hiring new employees for these jobs, you can get all these services through GrowthGeeks where it helps to all the marketing and so on and so forth tasks, then you can sit back and do your to-do list.

Read Also: Why mobile app is a success tool for car dealership today?

Tiny Scanner:

Tiny scanner helps you in being more comfort that means it reduces paper works. Documents which are more important could be converted into a soft copy.


Mint and Zoho:

Finance is first priority of any start up business, while coming to this, Mint app helps to get best finance platforms for multiple accounts. Zoho is an app which is mainly business oriented and also user friendly, designed for business owners for accounting.


Rescue time:

This app helps in managing time efficiency. If any app in your mobile is running in the back ground, this app keeps track of it and when the job is done, it alerts a notification saying the time it has taken.



Remembering each and every details of a person is difficult, so here comes the role of Humin app where it keeps track of your mobile contacts and social media with email, calendar, voicemail etc., when all these are assembled, it will be much easier for a user to search information of that person.




This app offers editable and shareable to-do lists that can also be colour coded which includes location details, time, space etc., it encourages the productivity throughout the organisation.



Most of the above apps are developed by mobile apps development companies India. By reading all these 10 start-up apps, a user may feel happy to use that and also tries to install this into his device, which is good for them.

We at FuGenX Technologies  developed many apps for different industries and in that 70% of clients succeeded in their business. FuGenX is one of the best mobile application development services company India. To get quote for your own app development, visit: www.fugenx.com

John Parker

Myself John Parker, I am working in FuGenX Technologies LLC. We develop mobile apps and game for all platforms. We are one of the Top mobile app development company in Bangalore, Delhi and Hyderabad, Ahmadabad.

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